Guarding Earth

The earth of all things lives and evolves in a balanced system,
and she still embraces us human beings.

Human beings are born naturally, but nature itself is constantly being over-damaged…

Maybe until she can’t bear the burden! When all human beings are required to pay for greed and selfishness, the cost is to destroy themselves and the ecological environment that is closely related to them.


“The natural world is deteriorating at an unprecedented rate in human history,
If major amendments are not made quickly, the earth will have a massive “ecosystem disintegration” by the middle of this century.”
(World Wide Fund For Nature

Cognition and consciousness

Even as she was approaching an irreversible crisis, she is still full of expectations for “intelligent” human beings.
“Nature” is to hope you have a deep sense of righteousness. Do something in consciousness…

Earth ecological index

World Wide Fund For Nature1 in living planet report_2006 all data are synthesized into two indicators reflecting the ecological status of the earth: Living Planet Index2 and Ecological Footprint Index3, Used to warn us of what we need to do.


Population expansion and excessive consumption
are the main causes of environmental change

And those who are constantly born are our innocent descendants

What they need is a green and peaceful planet


The ecological footprint that the Earth can provide is 1.8 hectares per person

According to current human consumption——
The average ecological footprint per person is 2.2 hectares

Obviously, one earth is not enough

Living Planet

The train carrying human dreams is heading towards the cliff at a faster and faster speed,
abyss will accept death and destruction.”A civilization” will stop….

If other species live together on the earth, because certain human actions are constantly extinct,
this “wisdom” should not be carried with the good wishes of mankind.

Excluding dross, “civilization” will develop healthily. “Short-sighted wisdom” is a fatal wound of mankind.
Reversing the fate of the earth depends on our “virtue”.

> Read more

Need to brake suddenly before irreversible

Ecological overload

If the difference between biocapacity4 and ecological footprint5 in a given area is less than zero, the ecological footprint of the population in the region exceeds its locally available biocapacity. Called the ecological deficit, if the difference is greater than zero, the local biocapacity available in the region is greater than the ecological footprint of the population, known as the ecological surplus. The global ecological deficit is called ecological overload.

Earth Ecology Overload Day.6 It means that the earth entered the state of the ecological deficit this year and has used up the total amount of renewable natural resources of the earth this year.

Population and Consumption

The United Nations has predicted the growth of global population and consumption, on this basis, according to the calculation of the global footprint network, by the middle of this century, mankind will need two natural resources of the earth to meet our needs. The difference in ecological footprint is huge in different countries and regions.

If Japanese residents consume only the ecological resources produced domestically, they need 7.1 Japan at the current rate. If people are to live the American way, humans need 4 of Earth to meet their annual demand for natural resources. And if people live on the Indonesian average, then the world will only consume two-thirds of the biocapacity. In other words, the poorer and backward areas, the more they have to pay for the lifestyle of people in developed areas.

(Data source: Global Footprint Network)

Carbon Footprint

Human carbon footprint is the primary driver of climate change. Because we emit carbon dioxide into the air much faster than it is absorbed, carbon dioxide is accumulating in the atmosphere and in the ocean. Ecological overload can only last for a limited amount of time before the ecosystem begins to degenerate and may collapse.

To end the ecological overload and let us survive within the limits of the resources available on Earth, carbon footprint must be drastically reduced and renewable clean energy should be promoted as a top priority.

If the total global carbon emissions can be reduced by 30% by 2030, the overload date will be expected to be delayed for a full month.

Carbon footprint already accounts for more than half of the total human ecological footprint.


世界自然基金会 “WWF” ( ) 起初代表“World Wildlife Fund”(世界野生动植物基金会)。1986年,WWF认识到这个名字不能完全反映组织的活动,于是改名为“World Wide Fund For Nature”(世界自然基金会)。不过美国和加拿大仍然保留了原来的名字。


  • 保护世界生物多样性;
  • 确保可再生自然资源的可持续利用;
  • 推动降低污染和减少浪费性消费的行动。

生命地球指数(Living Planet Index)简称LPI,是衡量地球生态状况的一种指数概念,这一概念通过对2688个分布在不同生态系统和地区的哺乳动物、鸟类、爬行类、两栖类及鱼类物种中9014个种群的规模变化趋势来衡量地球上生物多样性的变化。




“生态足迹” 概念→ 请参见条目⑤





生态足迹(ecological footprint)概念首先由加拿大人Mathis Wackernagel and William Rees于1996年在其合著的著作《我们的生态足迹:减轻人类对地球的冲击》中正式提出。他们将生态足迹定义为“一个国家范围内给定人口的消费负荷”“用生产性土地面积来度量一个确定人口或经济规模的资源消费和废物吸收水平的账户工具”


Andrew Sims first proposed this concept ( British Think Tank New Economic Foundation, )

The Earth Ecology Overload Day was launched by the Global Footprint Network to raise awareness of ecological “overspending” and encourage everyone to take proactive actions.